  • Register now the first ever Western Sydney Virtual Property Expo - March 27 and 28


TIME is our most valuable commodity and in our busy lives virtual EXPOS emerge as a game changer offering unique benefits for exhibitors and visitors alike.

The virtual expo format has been around for years but is only now making an impact in the business world.

Online marketplaces have become increasingly popular among Australian consumers in recent years, offering a wide range of goods and convenience.

More than 80 per cent of Australians shop and source goods and services online and 3 out every 4 Australians spend an average of 4 – 5 hours per week online shopping and searching. That includes men and women.

The Virtual Property EXPO (VPE) run by WEXPO is the first of its kind in Australia and is being managed in partnership with The Disrupter Virtual EXPO.

Scheduled for March 27 and 29, the VPE is designed to showcase property businesses to thousands of potential clients. Businesses like real estate agents, lenders, consultants, and many more will host their virtual exhibitor space.

What’s a virtual exhibitor space?

A virtual exhibiter space or stall is a digital replica of a real physical exhibitor space at an expo that you might drive to and walk around exhibitor halls.

Virtual exhibitors can upload brochures, a video, business logos, contact details, set appointments, list social channels and more – much like a physical stall. The expo organiser will assist in building your virtual exhibitor space.

In the digital expo environment visitors use their computer mouse to do the walking. You get a drone view of 22 stalls in each virtual hall and can click on the one you want to visit.

Upon signing in, visitors receive a virtual briefcase which they can use to download information from stalls and upload later to their computer for viewing in their own time.

Stall holders receive a notification on their phone every time someone visits their stall and after the event each exhibitor receives a spreadsheet with contact details of every visitor to their stall – ideal for follow-up.

Exhibiting at the VPE puts your business face to face with potential clients who are seeking convenient access to information about all things property.

Exhibitors can also network virtually with other exhibitors.

Confirmed exhibitors at the 2024 VPE include real estate agents, property consultants, boutique builders, data experts and more. A comprehensive social media and email marketing campaign commence from March 1st to promote the event.

Two speakers have been confirmed the VPE, and these are:

 Kahla Gerard: Common mistakes people make when investing in property and how to avoid them.

Kahla is director of Visionworks Property Consultants. With training in financial planning and lending and a family background in development Kahla provides a road map for investing in property including understanding the three grades of residential property, real value of location, importance of goal setting and the things to do before investing in property.

Joseph Rossi: Techniques to using data to make good property buying decisions.

 Joseph is National Sales & GTM Director of the National property Group. He has over 25 years’ experience in the real estate industry around property data systems refining products and their uses within the real estate, finance, and investor industries. Joe provides insights to using data for making property buying decisions; around valuations, accessing the best data and applications for mum and dad investors.

Kahla Gerard - 2pm March 27 | Joseph Rossi - 11am March 28

REGISTER FREE at www.wexpo.com.au

To exhibit contact us here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Us

General Enquires
Julie Jackson
0427 993 654
Linda Miller
0402 417 504

WEXPO connects the West

In terms of GDP, Western Sydney is half the size of Western Australia and bigger than Tasmania, Northern Territory and ACT combined. With 2.5 million people the region is the fastest growing population in Australia and the most diverse in terms of culture and age. It is home to 150,000 businesses and an unprecedented boom in development driven by the construction of Australia’s newest 24-hour airport.

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